Our sales team had the pleasure of participating as exhibitors at the V Meeting of Young Researchers of the Spanish Catalysis Society. Congress supported by SECAT, the Spanish Catalysis Society, and other research groups at the national level, held at the Faculty of Education of the University of Alicante.

On July 11, 12 and 13, more than a hundred young people from different parts of Spain exhibited and disseminated their research projects related to catalysis. A unique experience for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students, who during these days were able to learn about other research projects and create new points of communication for future specialized programs.

From SciSols we had the opportunity to present some of the products we distribute, such as plastic and glass consumables, and small equipment. We offered the participants samples so that they can test them in their laboratories in future investigations.

It has been a great experience sharing these days with the participants, so we want to thank the great reception and good treatment that